2012 CÉSAR AWARDS - NOMINEE - Best Actress (Marie Gillain)
Loosely based on the acclaimed novel Lives Other Than My Own by Emmanuel Carrère (itself inspired by a true story), ALL OUR DESIRES is Philippe Lioret’s hugely anticipated follow-up to his multi-award winning drama Welcome.
Coco Avant Chanel’s Marie Gillain stars as Claire, a 30-year-old judge at Lyon magistrates’ court who, despite battling incredible personal odds, becomes locked in a fight for justice for citizens impacted by the unscrupulous practices of the financial services industry. Her plight piques the interest of disenchanted colleague Stéphane (Vincent Lindon), who becomes drawn into the case. Something emerges between them: a mixture of rebellion, outrage, and above all an urgent need to live life to the fullest.
Continuing Lioret’s thematic concerns of balancing personal freedoms with responsibilities, ALL OUR DESIRES is a profoundly sensitive, powerful and humanistic drama that delivers an emotional wallop, and a universal story about courage and the importance of standing up for your convictions.